Jordan is the founder and CEO of Crown Digital Marketing, an Edmonton-based advertising and marketing agency helping brands break through the noise in the digital market.
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2021 and 2022 has been a tough year for business around the globe. In your experience can you share how businesses prosper in 2023?
We’ve learned that there’s no such thing as certainty, and the only way to move forward is joint effort and proper motivation.
The economy has been turned on it’s head in the wake of the pandemic. What should businesses focus on in 2023?
In terms of long-term positive focus – partnerships, quality products, thought leadership, and strong brand identity.
What are the pro’s & con’s of working from home and have you any first hand experience?
We actually have the entire team working from home, from all parts of the globe and fortunately, that hasn’t caused any problems for us. While we do have periods of strategic planning which sometimes oscillates working schedules, generally, we have firm tasks and a mission that drives us, so I can naturally say only positive feedback about WFH.
How can business owners combat the rise of inflation and what have you done that you can share?
We haven’t yet initiated anything specific in that regard, we’re primarily focusing on partnering with more clients while working hard on growing our current ones.
In the last 5 years we have seen the rise to Cryptocurrency, Blockchain, NFT’s, Digital Marketing and many more! What do you think will impact the world most in regards to online selling?
I feel like web3 is definitely a thing of “tomorrow”, and when I say tomorrow I mean it’s not yet fully adopted, but will change how we face, well – everything. From product buying online to AI implementation in software to doing personal investments online.
It may be that Cryptocurrency may stay for a limited time, but during the time it has and will exist, it will have provided enough insights and tech development to enable so many other areas to progress and ultimately change the world of tomorrow.
On a more subtle note. If you could have dinner with three people, dead or alive who would it be and why?
Elon Musk, Nikola Tesla, Beethoven – the “why” I believe is self-explanatory.
Reading is still one of the most popular ways to learn anything. What is your most recommended book(s) by who and what did you learn from them?
Zero to One – Peter Thiel – because I feel it’s a book every person, not just entrepreneur needs to read to better find themselves and outgrow their inner fears and start asking the right questions.
What is your purpose for getting out of bed each day and what do you aim to achieve in the future?
Growing personally and professionally, to create products/solutions to help others thrive, or at least help them overcome their challenges.
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